Some credit card companies allow you to see if you are pre-approved for credit cards without harm to your credit. They typically ask you a few questions about your income, date of birth, and give you a list of options they have that you may qualify for. Since the links and promotions change regularly, you may need to do a google search to find the latest offerings by googling “BANK NAME CREDIT CARD PRE-APPROVAL”.

Capital One

Citi Bank

American Express

DISCLAIMER: While we are not financial advisors, as with any credit or credit card, you should use the funds wisely and consult with your attorney, accountant, CPA or trusted financial advisor.

NOTE: While many companies start at 0% interest for the first several months, after the introductory period they interest rate increases to the 20-30% range. So be efficient in your real estate transactions so you can buy it, fix it and resell it in the time allotted, otherwise, you’ll be paying higher interest.