If you are looking for 0% APR credit cards, some of these companies may provide some options for you. Some people have found the best way to use this resource is to apply for multiple credit cards at the same time to acquire as much 0% credit as possible. Otherwise if you start a project with a certain credit limit, it may be hard to later increase it or get credit from a different company at the same low/no interest rate. It just gives you options for your future investing. Most people start with applications at companies that they don’t already have a credit card with to give them more options from more companies. As they saying goes “when they compete, you win”!

Each company has their own offering whether it’s 3,6,12,18, or 24 months 0% interest - compare and save!

You can select either “See if I’m pre-approved” or “Apply now”. Usually on a pre-approval, it does not affect your credit score. Usually on an “Apply now”, it will pull your credit. Just be aware of the differences.

Blue Cash Everyday - American Express

0% APR for 15 months, 16.24% – 27.24% variable APR after that, $0 Annual Fee

Wells Fargo

0% APR for 15 months, 16.24% – 27.24% variable APR after that, $0 Annual Fee


0% APR for 15 months, 17.24% – 25.99% variable APR after that, 1.5% unlimited cash back, $0 Annual Fee

Cash Magnet - American Express

0% APR for 15 months, 16.24% – 26.24% variable APR after that, Unlimited 1.5% cash back, $0 Annual Fee

Cash Wise Visa - Wells Fargo

0% APR for 12 months, 17.24% – 27.24% variable APR after that, Unlimited 2% cash back, $0 Annual Fee

DoubleCash - Citi

0% APR **ON BALANCE TRANSFERS** for 18 months, 16.24% – 26.24%* variable APR after that, Unlimited 2% cash back (1% as you buy, 1% as you pay), $0 Annual Fee

QuickSilver - Capital One​

0% APR for 15 months, 16.49% – 26.49% variable APR after that, $0 Annual Fee

Simplicity - Citi​

0% APR for 12 months, 0% APR for 21 months on balance transfers, 16.99% – 26.99% variable APR after that, $0 Annual Fee

It Card - Discover​

0% APR for 15 months, 13.49% – 24.49% variable APR after that, Unlimited 1-5% cash back (depending on type of purchase) $0 Annual Fee

Venture One Card - Capital One

0% APR for 15 months, 16.49% – 26.49% variable APR after that, 1.25 miles per $1, $0 Annual Fee

Cash+ - US Bank

0% APR for 15 months, 16.74% – 26.74% variable APR after that, $0 Annual Fee, 5% back on two categories

Americard - Bank of America

0% APR for 18 months, 15.24% – 25.24% variable APR after that, $0 Annual Fee

other option

Call your current credit cards

Ask them if they will increase your credit limit, give you a promotional period for balance transfers or for new purchases or any other options they have!

DISCLAIMER: While we are not financial advisors, as with any credit or credit card, you should use the funds wisely and consult with your attorney, accountant, CPA or trusted financial advisor.

NOTE: While many companies start at 0% interest for the first several months, after the introductory period they interest rate increases to the 20-30% range. So be efficient in your real estate transactions so you can buy it, fix it and resell it in the time allotted, otherwise, you’ll be paying higher interest.